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Students in Transition

The Education for Homeless Children and Youth is authorized under Title IX-A of the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA). This is also known as the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.  This act is designed to address the problems that children and youth in transition face in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. 

It is the policy of Laramie County School District No. 2 (LCSD#2) to view children and youth as individuals. Therefore, we will not refer to children as homeless; we will instead use the term “children and youths in transition.”  

We are here to help!

Many families in transition don’t always know what resources and services are available to them, they don’t know what rights and protections their children have in school, and they don’t know where to go for help. If you are currently in transition and do not have stable or adequate housing, your first step is to contact:


Under federal law, children and youths in transition must have access to appropriate public education, including preschool education when applicable, must be able to fully participate in school and extracurricular activities, and must have access to educational, transportation and other services that they need to assist them in meeting the same challenging State student academic achievement standards to which all students are held. Our schools will ensure that children and youths in transition are not stigmatized or segregated and are free from discrimination and harassment. 

Community Resources

There are many community resources in our area ready to assist students and families who many need assistance with food, clothing, housing, or medical attention. Please refer to our Community Resources page under the menu "Students & Families" for more information or click here.

Higher Education

If you are an unaccompanied homeless youth, the McKinney-Vento Act requires a local liaison to help you learn about your status as an independent student and help you receive a homeless youth determination letter if you need one. The homeless youth determination letter will help you apply for federal financial aid without your legal parent’s or guardian’s signature or financial information.

  • GEAR UP is a program dedicated to helping junior and high school students overcome the costs of going to college. Students receive individualized academic coaching, college trips, job site visits, and access to scholarships among many other resources. Everything in the program is free. Most of their program takes place in school during the school day, meaning no extra time commitment or need to go anywhere. Learn more and/or apply for GEAR UP at

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