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Lance West
Lance West
Facilities Manager

LCSD#2 is continually striving to improve physical facilities and grounds to promote the safest and best learning environment possible for students. We want our staff, students, and guests to experience a setting in which excellence in education is obtained. We understand that we are educating students for the process of life-long learning and desire for them to look back on their time on each campus as monumental for the success that they will experience throughout life. Our physical facilities represent the ideals that have so long made this district stand out as a leader in education. 

Lance West

Facilities Manager






Maintenance Requests

Maintenance Request  link for Staff

Laramie 2 Akita Box portal link

General Information


Use of School Facilities

Please download and complete the request for use of school facilities form below. Return to the school or district office.

Request for Use of School Facilities Form



USSDSonline is a database providing a resource for documentation of chemicals and products in use at our facilities.

All stakeholders have access to view USSDS listings in our District. 

  • If you prefer a mobile app for your device, this link may be helpful: USSDS Mobile
  • USSDS data sheets:  Click Here

A material safety data sheet (USSDS) is a document required by FEMA and OSHA that provides information on the safe handling, use, storage, and disposal of potentially hazardous chemicals. International compliance is moving toward the use of a GHS (Global Harmonization Standard) Safety Data Sheet (SDS). USSDS documentation is slowly adapting to the new GHS-SDS standard, and you may find both versions on our database.

If you have a request for an USSDS/GHS-SDS sheet you do not find, or if you have a product for which we need to add an USSDS/GHS-SDS, please contact Lance West at the above email address.

Lead Testing

The District strives to maintain a safe and quality environment for students and staff.  Our drinking water was tested for lead content in 2017.  We are pleased to report that there were no actionable levels of lead found in any of our educational or auxiliary buildings.


In order to comply with the EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Ace (AHERA), we are posting this notice of activities, dealing with known or suspect asbestos-containing materials, being performed in our school buildings. The district is required to annually notify employees, building occupants, and legal guardians about asbestos activities. These activities include 6-month periodic surveillance, 3-year re-inspections, response actions that will be performed, and the availability of the plan. This posting comprises our required notification.

A Management Plan containing locations of known or suspect materials is on file. The Administration Office has a digital copy that is available during working hours (7:30am - 4:00pm Monday-Thursday, 7:30am - 1:00pm Friday). Each school office has a copy of the portion of the plan involving that school's buildings. In school offices, the plan is available during normal school hours (7:30am - 3:30pm Monday-Thursday) when school is in session.

During each calendar year, the district performs periodic surveillance semi-annually to examine the current condition of any known or suspect materials. Our most recent 3 year independent inspection was completed in July 2023.

If you have questions, please direct them to: Lance West, Facilities Dept. at 307-245-4170. This individual is our Designated Person, and as such is responsible for our compliance with the AHERA regulation.