Laramie County School District #2 aligns district curriculum to the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards following the annual revisions to the state standards by the Wyoming Board of Education. LCSD #2's Board of Trustees reviews and approves district curriculum in all content areas. Curriculum for specific subjects can be viewed by clicking on the links under downloads.
If you have any questions or comments on the curriculum, please contact:
23-24 School Year
- Curriculum Document Checklist
- 30 Hour Curriculum Placemat Check-in
- Introduction Video
- Overview of Curriculum Task Video
- Standards Alignment Video
- Building Unit Plans and Assessments Video
30 Hour Q & A
- Does a copy of the standards spreadsheet need to be made?
- No, you have access to the spreadsheet for making necessary changes.
- How do we track our time?
- Track your time and the work accomplished in your running work record that is stored in your shared curriculum drive.